The Athiest’s Prayer (Reverse Poem)

Atheist’s Prayer

I live my life according to these beliefs.
God does not exist.
Its just foolish to think
That there is an all knowing God with a cosmic plan.
That an all powerful God brings purpose to the pain and suffering in the world
is a comforting thought however
It is only wishful thinking.
People can do as they please without eternal consequences.
The idea that
I am deserving of hell
Because of sin,
Is a lie meant to meant to make me a slave to those in power
“The more you have, the happier you will be.”
Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose.
In a world with no God
There is freedom to be who I want to be
But with God
Life is an endless cycle of guilt and shame.
Without god
Everything is fine.
It is ridiculous to think
I am lost and in need of saving.

Believer’s Prayer

Last one tomorrow.

A short story

Once upon a time there were two monks on a journey. And as they were on this journey they came to a river and on the other side there was a young maiden wishing to cross the river. The first monk immediately crossed the river picked her up and crossed back over. As the monks continued on their journey the second monk turned to the first and said, ” You know that we, being monks, are not allowed to speak to women, let alone carry one across a river!” The first monk replied, “You see my friend, I put the maiden down at the river. But you have carried her all the way here.”                                          Chuck Noll Head coach,Pittsburgh Steelers 1969–1991

Moral: Don’t dwell on what has passed. You might wind up missing something important.

Cool Photoshop text

Dear World,

This is a tutorial on how to add cool text that looks like another part of the image.

Step one:

Find a sutible image whether from Google or one you took yourself. Preferably one with a clear distinction between the foreground and the background.

For instance.

Lake Tahoe Colors copy

Step two:

Get the text mask tool, select the area that you want the text to look like and type what you want to say.

Text selection

Step three:

Copy the selection by pressing Ctrl + C, and Past it by pressing Ctrl + V. Then select the move tool by pressing the letter V.Drag the text layer to where you want it to be.

Text moved

Step four:

With the text layer selected go to menu: Layer-> Layer Style-> Style Settings and this dialog box should show up.

Dialog box

Step five:

Add drop shadow, lighting and bevel settings until you get what you want.


And that is it! 🙂 Experiment at will!

Here is a link to to a website about other Layer Style abilities.

No idea what I am going to do with this place tbh.


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Some Bad Plankton

poetry, essays, photography, & drawings

The Hills Have Eyes

Just my point of view


Trying to live a creative life

Just because I can

No idea what I am going to do with this place tbh.

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